Capitalism is Broke - a Step by Step Plan for Fixing It

Released on: October 2, 2008, 1:15 pm

Press Release Author: James Rick

Industry: Financial


The current system is capitalism is manipulated by a small few while the world feels
its effects. The origins of currency were to make ‘free trade’ possible – you know,
so we didn’t have to use teeth or try to divide cows in half. So how did the concept
of ‘currency’ for the ease of use of common citizenry expand into the complex system
of smoke and mirrors that it is today? Through a slow deliberate boiling – beginning
with central banks and ending with today’s current financial ‘crises.’

Press Release Body:

I emphasize crises because I don’t see it as a crises – I see it as an inevitable
expression of a broken financial system. Like a poorly designed multi-level
building, the full weight of today’s capital system is crushing the common worker.
The common worker holds it up in vain – because he doesn’t see any other option. He
freely gives of the only thing he possesses – his time, in exchange for paper and
coins backed by empty promises. He gives of his most cherished possession, his life
– to serve a system that despises him.

But who is to blame: the creators or the blind that unwittingly serve it?

It is a fact – whoever owns his life controls his will, his intention. If he yields
this right out of fear or obligation, whatever the excuse he must still claim full

It is the primitive nature of man that urges him to power and if he is crafty enough
to create a system that is believed to be legitimate it is in his right to do so;
the question of morality aside – if he can do it, he will do it.


Capitalism is broken and we, the servants of capitalism numbering in the billions
must fix it. How do we do this?


While most of us would like to pretend we understand how money works – the exchange
of value that you see happening every day is only the tip of the iceberg. This is
the way a free market is supposed to work, but once you dive beneath the surface
you’ll discover a whole new world of leveraging going on. And the one being
leveraged is YOU. Your time, your hours, your minutes are being leveraged to the
benefit of someone you don’t even know. If you are struggling to earn money now,
shouldn’t you care to know who benefits from your toil?

Now at first you might think you are being leveraged by your boss or your bosses’
boss – or the owner of the company you work for, but this is only a minimal leverage
point. And in a true free market society this type of structure may still serve the
greater good. (Each person has unique strengths – some are starters, some are
refiners, some are system creators some are system followers – an organization makes
sense.) What I’m talking about are the people that add no value to the free market
system, yet we serve them. I call these people the ‘maximum leveragers’. They are in
a position of maximum leverage – the masters benefitting from the time invested by
the servants with no equivalent value to offer in return. They are the people at the
top of the capitalistic food chain and they are bleeding you dry.

The internet has made it possible to identify the individuals and institutions if
you are looking for them. You can also learn how they work. You’ll see that they
move in small social circles. Skeptics might argue, or paid propagandists might
tease; this is just an elitist conspiracy theory – this is why I urge you to do your
own research.

Here are some places to get started:
1 – Research: The Truth About the Federal Reserve
2 - Note favorable connections between the Federal Reserve and other financial
institutions. (a few that seem to stand out: JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs)
3 – Note favorable connections between educational institutions (like Harvard, Yale,
Oxford) and positions of high esteem: Presidents, Federal Reserve Chairman, CEO’s of
Banks and large corporations.
4 – Get a good grasp for how banks operate: Private & commercial banks in relation
to the Federal Reserve and regional Federal Reserve banks.
5 – Understand how the FDIC (the organization that promises to insure your money up
to $100,000) works. Note that at the time of this writing the FDIC has around $50
billion in their fund and promises to insure more than $13 trillion. (How can that
6 – Note how other central banks from around the world work together, especially in
today’s financial turmoil – in a time of panic they are less able to hide their

Now I realize researching all of these links might take some work. Maybe 10 to 20
hours of solid research. But think of the alternative – are you going to invest
roughly 40 years or more serving a system you don’t even fully understand? Will you
struggle until the day you die and wonder why life was so unfair to you or blindly
leave it in God’s hands and trust the product of your life was God’s will? Maybe God
is trying to help you wake up right now and realize you have the power to do
something. Are you listening?


Because we control our time – we have all the power. We vote with the hours and
minutes of our life. We vote every time we log a minute of our intention in the
pursuit of making ‘money’ in its current form. Every minute invested in making money
is a vote to renew the system. With no more votes – the system is dead.

Why do we vote? We vote because we are afraid if we don’t we will lose our
livelihood. Our sense of survival will be in question – and this is the greatest of
all human fears. Even if basic survival is assured, the fear of losing that which
you’ve worked so hard to gain is emotionally equivalent to losing your life. The
pain of loss is so great that some people do indeed end their life when they lose
all their money. Yet you didn’t feel that pain when you entered the world without
those possessions why would you feel that pain when you no longer have those
possessions? The fear of loss and in some cases its realization is a self inflicted
mental pain – a form of guilt or regret that has a positive intention to help you
survive above all else. But once you understand the psychological mechanics behind
it you can ‘let go’. Trust that if you add value to a system you will not have to
worry about survival. But DO be diligent in ensuring that the value you add is
contributing to a system that you believe in, one that is not leveraged against you.

Decide to stop voting for a master that despises you and instead you look for a
‘master’ that has your well being and the well being of those you care for at heart.
What would this master look like? One that produces the least amount of friction
(regulation) and one in which those at the top do not profit disproportionately from
those at the bottom. There will still be hierarchy – but the maximum leveragers
become servants and the servants form a mutual alliance with them. In short, the
system cares for all people, especially those at the bottom - in the way it’s


In traditional capitalism – he who has the capital has the power. Now this wouldn’t
be a problem if everyone started with the same amount of capital and it just
exchanged hands. But the reality is that capital flows through the market from the
top – in the form of loans. The central bank loans to commercial and private banks
and charges them interest, these banks then loan to companies and individuals who
are charged a higher interest. Where did the central bank get the capital to loan in
the first place? Great question! The answer is: out of thin air.

And what ‘work’ did the commercial and private banks do to get their capital from
the central bank? Great question! They push paper around and make risk assessments
on whether the loan will be repaid. This might be an important job if they could
calculate risks accurately – but they can’t which is why banks fail – again and
again. But because this game works for a while – the companies and more specifically
the workers actually invest time to repay loans on money that nobody else really
worked for. Money that was invented out of thin air is now turned into
‘productivity’ by companies and workers. This productivity is the basis of a ‘free
market’ and is where real value is added to the system. Without production – money
invention would have no tangible value. This means the Central bank and the private
& commercial banks would be worthless.

I will say this again – the real value in a true free market society is in
production. Production is defined as: the organization of resources to produce
something of value. The stuff that is happening at the top - the money loan is a

If we could organize production on our own without the need for an invented currency
– we could reclaim the leverage that we foolishly give away.

Organize production – that’s all the banks do! They invent currency (like US
dollars) and as long as everyone agrees to honor them with production, they are
valuable. And for accomplishing organized production through an invented currency
the banks have all the leverage – starting at the top.

To create a better economic system the key question to ask is: how can we better
organize production? Put another way, how do we create a money system that doesn’t
rely on instruments of inventing money out of thin air and require that the interest
be strapped to the backs of the servants (value contributors) of the free market?


I have a simple plan – but I’m sure it will require a detailed planning session with
key leadership – leadership that truly cares about it’s people and making the world
a better place.

The plan is this:
A) The central bank (now known as the Federal Reserve – not a government entity, a
privately held company) should be divided equally amongst its population. In other
words – if there are 250 million people in a country there are 250 million shares in
the central bank. We each own one share.
B) We elect leaders to the central bank much like we elect presidents. Activities of
the central bank are totally transparent to ensure that loans are made on the basis
of merit and not personal connections.
C) We make all lending institutions an extension of the central bank (since they are
just passing down money from the central bank). Interest that gets paid back to the
central bank enriches everyone who with shares in it – every man, woman and child.
(As it is exists now, if the government borrows money from the central bank for
military or large companies need to be bailed out, YOU are forced to pay it back
through taxes!)

With the central bank in public control – we have organized production without
concentrating the power and the flow of wealth into a small number of hands.
With public transparency we cut down on corruption. Through secured internet voting
WE can decide to bail companies out or not. Leaders elected to government must
answer to us, must come to us for money, must convince us why they need it. This
moves power of economy back where it belongs – into the hands of the people that


The fastest way to implement the new plan is to get key leadership on board. The
challenge here is that most government leadership is transfixed on the old idea of
capitalism because that’s where they get their power. Only new leadership with a
fresh perspective and a heart to truly serve is going to buy into a plan that
literally strips them of their power.

The second option is to organize a large like minded community and make our voice
heard. We the people are still the largest functioning body of the government – our
only limitation is in our ability to organize ourselves. But the internet has made
this more possible than ever.

If you agree that capitalism is broke and you want to fix it – invite friends and
family to join Full – read this essay and invite others. Full
Potential will eventually become an organized force with a voice that must be heard.
Do not be fooled, we have the power to change our world in massive ways - starting
with what you do right now.

Web Site: http://

Contact Details: Name - James Rick
Address - 5520 Raven Creek Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89130
Phone - 702-239-1331

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